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Taste Of Dream is the latest solo project of Andrea Soru Jabaro where he offers his own way to chillout, lounge,house,ambient,funk, electro music, trying to involve the listener and accompany him/her in a world of sensual and catchy sounds that combines energy,colours, warmth and confident conscious ...

Taste Of Dream is the latest solo project of Andrea Soru Jabaro where he offers his own way to chillout, lounge,house,ambient,funk, electro music, trying to involve the listener and accompany him/her in a world of sensual and catchy sounds that combines energy,colours, warmth and confident conscious spirituality...

Taste Of Dream è l'ultimo progetto solista di Andrea Soru Jabaro dove offre a modo suo chillout, lounge, house, ambient, funk, musica elettronica, cercando di coinvolgere l'ascoltatore e accompagnare lui / lei in un mondo di sensuali e piacevoli suoni che combina l'energia, i colori, il calore e fiduciosa spiritualità cosciente...

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Beata solitudo by Taste Of Dream
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double 6double 6 e double 6
Taste of dream: musica chillout per il vostro piacere!
Taste Of Dream:When music it tastes lounge,ambient,house... - YouTube
Taste Of Dream is the latest solo project by Andrea Soru 'Jabaro', which takes advantage of the...[....]
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